Fort Wayne, IN
The post-World War Two economic boom along with the elevation of the railroad tracks in downtown Fort Wayne opened the north side of the city for growth. With this development came increased Mass attendance at Most Precious Blood Parish. To relieve the overcrowded conditions at that parish, Bishop Leo Pursley appointed Father William Faber as pastor of a newly created parish roughly a mile west. Queen of Angels Parish was born in 1947. The combined church-school building located on West State Boulevard was dedicated on October 7, 1951. Father Faber served as pastor for 25 years and was given the title of monsignor in 1966. He visited Queen of Angels in 1997 to celebrate the parish’s 50th anniversary Mass and the groundbreaking of the parish center that still bears his name.
The school opened on September 21 with Precious Blood sisters teaching the first classes of students, 83 in total. The school grew from the original four classrooms as more families joined the parish, with seven and then four new classrooms added in 1957 and 1966, respectively. After 23 years serving in the school, the Precious Blood sisters turned the task of education over to the Dominican sisters in 1974. They remained until 1980, when lay teachers and principals took over. One of the school’s most prominent principals was Marsha Jordan, who later became superintendent of Catholic schools for the diocese.
Today, Queen of Angels Parish boasts many ministries including the St. Joseph, Terror of Demons Knights of Columbus Council, a St. Vincent de Paul Society, Rosary Society and Seven Sisters Apostolate. The school continues to educate students, with an ever-deepening emphasis on the Catholic faith.
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